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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Have a Fun with Folder

Can you disappear any folder (But you should not use hide option)?
Here is a funny technique.

Suppose I have a folder "My works".
It contains important files. Now I want to hide it.

"Right click" up on the folder to be hide.
Click on "properties".
Click on "customize" option.
There at bottom you can see "Change Icon.." option. Click up on it.

Then you can see this

In the above while you are scrolling you can see three empty icons.
There will not appear any image.
Click up on it and click "OK" button.

Then the original folder icon will become empty icon. Like this

Now the Problem is to how to hide the name of "My Works". To do this
Right click on "
My Works"
Click on "Rename" option.

And then type "ALT + 0160" Simultaneously.

Then the folder will hide.

Here above folder is there. It will not hide entirely.
Just it disappears.
hat empty icon folder works like a normal folder.

How to recover the original foder?
Before performing the above technique you need to remeber the folder name to be hide. Ok.

Right on the empty space.
Click on Properties.
Click on Customize option.
Click on Change icon button.
Select the original windows folder icon.
Then click ok.
Then rename it.

You will get the orignial folder with its contents.