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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Blogger editor in Flock (The social Web browser)

Flock is a social web browser. It is the integration of Mozilla Firefox browser. It's options are exactly same as that of the Firefox with additional features. Media sharing is the main feature of this browser. In this you can uploads your photos directly into your account of the flicker . In this browser you will get media bar too.
For blogger user this browser is very advantageous for posting not only for blogger it is for live journal , Typepad , Wordpress also. A blogger editor is provided in this browser. By which you can posts directly form the web browser itself. No need to sign in again via blogger.com. Ofcourse you have to sign in indirectly with this editor. This editor is more useful when you are in offline. When you are in offline you can draft your post and save it. After entered to online you can directly post it into your blog.
Web clipboard is provided inside to save the matter you have typed.
Disadvantage of this browser is you can not get more add-ones and extensions like provided in Mozilla Firefox.

" I sent this post through flock."

See a logo here "Blogged with Flock"

Blogged with Flock

You can enable, disable, or modify the way that error reporting works on a Windows XP-based computer. When an error occurs, a dialog box is displayed that prompts you to report the problem to Microsoft. If you want to report the problem, technical information about the problem is sent to Microsoft over the Internet. You must be connected to the Internet to use the feature. If a similar problem has been reported by other users and information about the problem is available, you receive a link to a Web page that contains information about the problem.
To disable this feature from your system
1. Right click on my computer icon on your desktop.
2. Click on Properties
3. click on advanced menu
4. At bottom of the window you can see Error Reporting
5. Click on Disable error reporting

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

True Crypt : The OSS power

True crypt is an Open source tool for storing data securely. TrueCrypt is a software system for establishing and maintaining an on-the-fly-encrypted volume (data storage device). On-the-fly encryption means that data are automatically encrypted or decrypted right before they are loaded or saved, without any user intervention. No data stored on an encrypted volume can be read (decrypted) without using the correct password/keyfile(s) or correct encryption keys. Entire file system is encrypted (e.g.., file names, folder names, contents of every file, free space, meta data, etc).
Truecrypt supports two types of encryption process. One is standard truecrypt and hidden true crypt. Select standard truecrypt option is the better choice to the beginner. I already said in my previous posts by truecrypt we can create encrypts volumes for removale storage devices too. In the next option software asks you, to whether select the file or device. You select it according to your requirement.
Don't confuse to look for the created encrypted drive after encryption process. It has to mount. Select mount option for particular drive letter where the encrypted file is stored
The great feature of the truecrypt is its encryption algorithms. Here you can choose any encryption algorihms which is better fit for the choice of encryption level. True crypt allows only a larger and complex passwords only.

Be careful the user who are using it at first. I lost my 14GB data with wrong selection of options.
Be careful while selecting mount partitions. But don't have fear about data loss. You should not fear to do any experiment. In your life toooooo.

(Download )