This site enable to the user to create their own signature. It give the html /java script to your signature . Use that code wherever you want to appear your singature. Below this post I signed my signature.
You will get a doubt that "What is the difference between this (mylivesignature) signature image and the normal signature image I uploaded in blogger while posting?" Let it clarify me.
When you are uploaded your signed image into your post that looks like an image you have uploaded. But when you use mylivesignature it exactly looks like signature. Keenly obeserve the the uploaded image and your signature image , you can see a Square box on blogger uploaded image. Isn't it? But it will not appear on your signature.
Blogger Tip:
Blogger user who wants to use this signature on every post, you fallow this method.
Get the html/java code from the mylivesignature. Copy it.
Opne your blogger account.
Click on setting options.
There again click the formatting option.
You find this option shown below.
There you have to paste the code you have copied.
And click on save setting.
Now you will get your signature on each and every post you publish.